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更新时间:2025-03-24 08:50:39
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a great variety of在线翻译

1. Although the quantity might look a bit small, there are a great variety of ingredients in different dishes.

2. This vast and rich land is naturally home to a great variety of flora and fauna.

3. I think one can easily find food cut to one's own taste in China since there is a great variety of cuisines.

4. A great variety of natural and cultural treasures along the road itself show the splendid history and unique customs of the region.

5. A great variety of vehicles can be manufactured in the same plant, which enables a very fast response to changes in the market.

6. But actually the noodles come with a great variety of classic sauces of different tastes.

7. There is a great variety of dishes from every region and style of Chinese cooking.

8. They offer a wide variety of treatments and massages and it's a great place to recover from a big night out.

9. This character has also given birth to a great many expressions appropriate for a variety of social situations.

10. A great number of employees have received a variety of education programs in their spare time.

1. a great variety of的翻译

1. In the prepared environment, there is a variety of activity as well as a great deal of movement.


2. Society is made up of all kinds of people who have a great variety of views and activities, but must co-exist.


3. But we have superb variety. A great deal of everything is packed into little space.

4. We have a great variety of Chinese antiques.

5. Great Pelliot's view, Chen Yinke can be a critical approach and using a variety of historical characters involved in his research, is one of the most outstanding Chinese scholars.

6. a great variety of在线翻译

6. Also popular are sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), octopus, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, shrimp and prawns, lobster, spiny lobster, and many other crustaceans such as barnacles and goose barnacles, hake, horse mackerel, lamprey, sea bass, scabbard and a great variety of other fish and shellfish and molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, and scallops.
也很受欢迎的沙丁鱼(尤其是当烤作为sardinhas assadas ),章鱼,鱿鱼,墨鱼,蟹,虾和对虾,龙虾,龙虾,和许多其他甲壳类动物,如偏执狂和鹅偏执狂,鳕鱼,竹荚鱼,鳗,鲈鱼,剑鞘和多种其他鱼类和贝壳类和软体动物,如蛤,贻贝,牡蛎,periwinkles ,和扇贝。

7. a great variety of的翻译

7. Alsopopular are sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), octopus, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, shrimp and prawns, lobster, spinylobster, and many other crustaceans such as barnacles and goosebarnacles, hake, horse mackerel, lamprey, sea bass, scabbard and a great variety of other fish and shellfishand molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, andscallops.
也很受欢迎的沙丁鱼(尤其是当烤作为sardinhas assadas ),章鱼,鱿鱼,墨鱼,蟹,虾和对虾,龙虾,龙虾,和许多其他甲壳类动物,如偏执狂和鹅偏执狂,鳕鱼,竹荚鱼,鳗,鲈鱼,剑鞘和多种其他鱼类和贝壳类和软体动物,如蛤,贻贝,牡蛎,periwinkles ,和扇贝。

8. By using kinematics、dynamics principle and ADAMS, This text carried on a great deal of calculation and computer simulation. It studied the affect to the phase change by different center distance, and get variety regulation, by using eccentric mechanism for adjusting the center distance of two rolls.
本文运用运动、动力学原理及三维动力学分析软件 ADAMS 进行了大量的计算和计算机模拟,研究了应用偏心中心距调整机构情况下中心距变化对相位变化的影响,并得出了相应的变化规律。

9. a great variety of什么意思

9. Great care is taken in testing, improving, and optimizing the oxyhydrogen units for use in a wide variety of vehicles and equipment.


10. On the basis of analyzing a great variety of data information, geographical database and attribute database are designed and linked, and finally the database of PMS is established on the principle of establishing database. After the selection of the develop mode and tools, milepost reference system in the data acquisition database is turned into earth coordinate reference system in GIS database by Maplnfo software and MapBasic language, solving the main problem such as the creation of pavement sections and topocline in GIS etc. Since the electronic map is made up with data chaining, the joint development of Visual Basic 6.0 and MapX can realize the inquiry of the map and datum based on GIS. With the correlative method of evaluation of pavement performance, the paper establishes the evaluate model and other basic functions represented in the system design stage.
本文研究与实践的要点着重在系统开发过程中,将地区级路面管理系统数据库组建于GIS平台上,并结合数据库建立原则,对系统的空间数据库和属性数据库进行了设计,将两者进行链接建立路面管理系统数据库;对软件的开发模式和开发工具进行比对选择后,应用MapInfo软件与MapBasic语言,可将路面管理系统中采集系统的里程桩定位参照系统转化为GIS数据库中大地坐标定位参照系统,解决了路段动态切割、地理精度等路线在GIS中的要点问题;利用Visual Basic 6.0与MapX控件、Access数据库的联合开发,实现地图与数据的双向快速查询;参照相关路面评价方法,开发相应的路面使用性能分析评价模块,并实现系统设计的各项基本功能。

11. a great variety of

11. Therefore, it is of great significance to increase cotton production by choosing a satisfied cotton variety of more boll setting, low fall off rate, more three-boils and appropriate height.

12. You may do it in a great variety of ways.

13. There is a great deal of variety in this job.

14. We provide you with a great variety of products to choose.

15. There is a great variety of food in China.

16. There is a great variety of products for your choose.

17. They range from physical illness, medication and drug use to a great variety of psychological problems.

18. a great variety of是什么意思

18. A great variety of people are playing such a given role in news stories like dead people, murders, robbers, prostitutes, suicides, trouble-makers, doctors, patients, husbands, wives, old people, entrepreneurs, migrate workers and popular customers.

19. For there are a great variety of equipments in the oil field, we use more than one method to model according to the types of objects, the goals we expect and current technologies. At last, we reorganize and optimize the codes in VrmlPad to realize a lifelike virtual environment with not reducing the transmission speed and image paining speed.

20. a great variety of

20. I place great emphasis on entire development of moral, intellectual and physical, many times awarded merit student, in order to improve ability of oral express, I joind a variety of training classes, my article used to be awarded in the activity of solicit articles holding by Baoding daily newspaper.

Some of them use a great variety of stitch patterns such as flat and piled stitches to give them a three-dimensional effect.(其中的一些使用各种各样的针法,如平针和叠针,使它们看起来有三维的视觉效果。)
But young people can usually choose from a great variety of people.(但年轻人通常能够在形形色色的人中有所选择。)
Mary has a great variety of interests; she likes sports, travel and photography.(玛丽兴趣广泛,她喜欢体育活动、旅游和摄影。)
Tweed: Medium - to heavy weight fabric, rough in surface texture, produced in a great variety of colour and weave effects.(粗花呢:中等重量到较重的衣料,表面质地粗糙,有各种不同的颜色和编织图案。)
We have a great variety of men's suits, Sir.(先生,男式西服我们有很多种。)
We will appeal to a great variety of sources of information.(我们将求助于多种资料来源。)
As a result, glaciers create a great variety of landforms that remain long after the surface is released from its icy covering.(因此,冰川形成了各种各样的地貌,这些地貌在地表被冰覆盖的解除后很长时间都不会消失。)
We provide a great variety of fresh sea food.(我们供应的海鲜种类繁多。)
By comparison, ferry trips or cruises offer a great variety of civilized comforts.(相比之下,坐船旅行或环游可以得到文明世界的各种享受。)
Amongst a great variety of colors, they favor black the most.(在各种颜色当中,他们更偏爱黑色。)
a great variety of是什么意思 a great variety of在线翻译 a great variety of什么意思 a great variety of的意思 a great variety of的翻译 a great variety of的解释 a great variety of的发音 a great variety of的同义词